Hello :)


I have always enjoyed writing and wonder why I am not a poet, considering the many poems I had written as a child. Poetry was a way I had chosen to express myself during happy times as well as dark times.

I faced things in my childhood which were heartbreaking and liberating. The death of my maternal grandfather whom I loved dearly. Shortly after I was uprooted from all I knew and loved in Ohio and planted into this foreign place, the San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland to be exact. This seemed to be the ends of the earth and definitely the end of life as my twelve-year-old self had come to know. The two great tragedies, as I like to call them.

My passion to write never left but life happened, I learned and grew and became a rowdy teen and had some of the best years of my life in the place I initially hated, but the two worlds formed me into this woman I would become.

Believer, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Encourager, Friend, Corporate Manager, Hairstylist, Business Owner.  You name it, I have never been afraid to try it. This however can be good and bad, but I live with NO REGRETS! Currently residing in North Carolina possessing a BA in Psychology and a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy may help explain why my characters are always in need of resolutions to their problems. Chasing dreams has always been the driving force behind my writing, but now in this second half of my life I want to do more. I love to create and to dream. Writing is liberating, freeing and what I enjoy most in my down time. When I look back over my life I want to be able to say I chased all my dreams even the ones I may not succeed in. I have learned to fail forward because I would rather fail than to regret not ever trying.

I want every woman to discover they possess the ability to do the same, which is the driving force behind all things “Unstoppable.” From Faith to marriage, parenting, careers, and healing, this extension of myself allows me to help women confront past hurts, Dream and understand the characteristics that are holding them back from living an Unstoppable Life.

Together we DECIDE, DEFINE and DESIGN your definition of an Unstoppable life.

I have chosen to live life own my own terms, well with God’s permission. Lol and you can too.

Unapologetically me!